LoJack Corporation Helps Recover Stolen Bobcat Skid Steer and Four Other Vehicles
- October 30, 2012
On October 11th, the owner of a Bobcat Skid Steer discovered the machine missing from a job site located at NE Hwy. 99 & NE 117th St near Vancouver. It was believed to have been stolen sometime over a three-day period from the construction site which had several pieces of heavy equipment. Investigation revealed the thieves drove Bobcat through a fence and loaded it on a trailer. The company contacted the Clark County Sheriff’s office to report the theft of the equipment. Clark County Sheriff’s office verified the theft and entered the equipment’s identification number into the state and federal crime computers. That process automatically activated the LoJack transponder concealed in the Bobcat.
Just thirty minutes later, a Vancouver Police Officer received the silent LoJack homing signal transmitting from the stolen Bobcat skid steer on the Police Tracking Computer (PTC) installed in their patrol car. The officer tracked the signal to a street near Vancouver where the machine was located. There was no significant damage observed. Evidence and interviews resulted in the identification of a suspect. Charges are pending.
Four additional stolen vehicles were recovered at the same location: 1995 Ford Truck, 2003 Colorado Travel Trailer, 2005 Homemade Flatbed Trailer and a 1999 Alfa Travel Trailer. All were previous Clark County Sheriff’s Office theft reports.
The LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System was installed in 2005. The approximate value of the Bobcat Skid Steer is $12,500.